
Global climate concerns have forced actions from countries and businesses, particularly in the fossil fuel industry, to transition to low-carbon energy. Among these actions, countries are beginning to set targets and define clear directions to net-zero transitions. Major oil companies are also diversifying their business strategies towards becoming energy companies with accelerated research and development into alternative fuels. Investment financing has also shifted significantly away from fossil projects to low-carbon energy. Despite the global urgency to respond to climate change, there are gaps in the knowledge on the opportunities of the transition, making it challenging to engage relevant stakeholders effectively and drive the necessary shift action away from oil-centric philosophies, which poses the following risks;

  • Africa may suffer from the late adoption of a policy that adequately responds to just energy transition.
  • African governments may continue to abuse oil and gas revenue in the hope that oil and gas may remain relevant for an extended period.
  • The benefits of the transition may elude Africa because of the lack of technology development to participate in the economics of the transition.
  • Oil and gas-rich African countries also risk eventually losing oil and gas revenues as the risks of stranded oil assets become more pronounced due to the transition.

While these risks exist, the transition also presents opportunities for African countries to:

  • Invest in clean energy technology research and development to participate in the economics of the transition and address energy access.
  • Diversify their economies from oil and gas revenues by investing oil and gas proceeds into sustainable sectors like agriculture and manufacturing.
  • Develop new minerals relevant to the transition, such as lithium, silica sands, etc.
  • Adopt renewable off-grid solutions to accelerate electricity access.
  • Leverage on the transition to curtail poverty growth.

The Africa Climate Academy

The Africa Climate Academy is an education platform designed to foster a paradigm shift in the understanding and discourse surrounding climate change, energy transition, and its implications for Africa. This one-week program targets policymakers, media professionals, civil society leaders, and academia, providing them with new perspectives on the risks associated with oil dependence and the abundant opportunities offered by sustainable energy alternatives.

The Academy will consist of a series of modules conducted throughout the week, each addressing specific aspects of climate change, energy transition, and Africa’s role in shaping a sustainable future. The interactive and immersive nature of the program aims to reshape participants’ thoughts, challenge assumptions, and cultivate a collective commitment to embracing renewable energy alternatives.

Our Objective

Reshape Perceptions

Challenge assumptions about the future of oil by fostering a nuanced understanding of the risks associated with oil dependence and promoting the urgency of transitioning to sustainable energy sources.

Build Knowledge

Provide comprehensive insights into the global energy landscape, focusing on Africa’s unique challenges and opportunities while equipping participants with the latest information on renewable energy technologies, policies, and best practices.

Encourage Collaboration

Facilitate cross-sectoral networking and collaboration among policymakers, media representatives, and academia by creating a platform for exchanging ideas, experiences, and innovative solutions.

Empower Advocacy

Equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed to advocate for sustainable energy policies, empowering them to become champions for climate action and renewable energy transition.