Our Partners

Project Inflows - 2022

Our Donors Amount($)
Oxfam 206,208.91
FCDO 32,000.00
Diakonia 163,348.27
OSF 56,000.00
Ford Foundation 600,000.00
ACEP’s partnership with Oxfam in Ghana focuses on programs that seek to promote extractive sector governance, particularly in the areas of: (a) Oil and gas revenue management, (b) Fiscal policy engagement, (c) Governance issues around mining, (d) Sustainable management of Ghana’s power sector interventions and (e) Support initiatives that promote Regional Engagements across the continent of Africa, especially the Africa Oil Governance Summit (AOGS) and inclusion.
The Ghana Revenue Reforms Program (GRRP) is a DFID funded program that seeks to increase domestic revenue mobilization capacity of Ghana. It focuses on working with the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) and other stakeholders to implement interventions that contribute to addressing the bottlenecks which impede the efficiency in domestic revenue mobilization.
The Diakonia program commenced in 2019 and focuses on promoting interventions that facilitate improved domestic revenue mobilization through research that highlights the potentials of the extractives in Africa as well as approaches that enhance the capacity to harness these extractive revenues efficiently. It also involves regional level advocacy that opens up the debate on the adoption of prudent policy approaches to achieving increased domestic revenue mobilization.
The Open Society Foundations (OSF) has supported programs aimed at achieving transparent management of extractive resources and promoting energy access for economic advancement. This has led to research work on exploring Ghana’s iron ore potential and ensuring the effective harnessing of the country’s energy potential, as well as partnerships.
Ford Foundation
The support from the Ford Foundation is geared towards advancing sustainability and climate resilience within the extractive sector. This collaboration empowers marginalized communities, promotes environmental responsibility, and fosters equitable practices. Together, we drive impactful policy dialogue, harness innovation, and shape a future where natural resource management aligns harmoniously with climate action and social progress.

Supportive Network of Partners