Kevin K. Castrejon
Kevin K. Castrejon
Background On June 4 2020, the Africa Centre for Energy Policy (ACEP) organized a webinar to discuss the impact of Covid-19 on Africa’s oil and gas sector with a panel of stakeholders and over 600 participants drawn from Ghana, Kenya, Uganda, Mozambique and Tanzania. The consensus on the way forward after the June 4 webinar was to provide the platform for international oil companies, national oil companies, and indigenous African oil companies and service providers to share the realities of their business management practices and the strategic adjustments they have made in surviving the impacts of the pandemic. The rationale is that COVID-19 has had varied impacts on the operations of companies in Africa’s upstream oil and gas industry, with the attendant consequences on company bottom lines, employment, revenue to governments, and communities. However, many stakeholders do not understand the nature of this impact because of limited conversations from the business community. In this webinar series, leaders from Exploration and Production companies, National Oil Companies, and Service companies operating in Ghana, Nigeria, Sudan, Angola and Kenya, will engage civil society, citizens, governments and the development community on the nature of the impact of COVID-19 on their businesses and the value chain. Objective: The overarching objective of the webinar series is to provide a platform that will enable stakeholders to deepen insights on the challenges faced by the upstream oil and gas companies amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the coping strategies and lessons learnt in addressing the challenges posed by the pandemic. Sessions: The webinar will be conducted in three sessions using Zoom video conferencing. If you missed the Africa Centre for energy Policy’s Webinar Series on Covid-19 Response Strategies In Africa’s Oil & Gas Industry –Perspectives from Exploration & Production, National Oil & Service Companies, kindly follow the links here to watch the videos.